You may also e-mail your message directly to us at
Please give us your correct e-mail i. d. Kindly check both your inbox and your bulk mail folder for our reply.
Clinic Address
Mundewadi Ayurvedic Clinic
Shop No.5, Rose Apartments,
First Left Lane on Mumbradevi Road,
Opposite Mumbra Railway Station, MUMBRA (East), District THANE- 400612.
Maharashtra, INDIA.
Directions for visiting our clinic:
Kindly note that Mumbra is the second railway station on the Thane to Kalyan railway route for slow local trains. All habitation is only on one side of the station. Please ask for Mumbra-Devi road opposite Mumbra railway station. Once you are on this road, please cross one building on the left (with about 10 shops along the length of the road) and then take an immediate left turn, whereupon our clinic nameplate will be immediately visible. Walking time from the railway station to our clinic is about 2 - 3 minutes only. Please do not ask for Rose Apartments, since there are several local buildings with the same name. Those who intend to come by road will need to reach Mumbra railway station and park below the fly-over or at the proposed ST Stand, and then follow the above-mentioned instructions on foot. Please allow for at least one hour for road-traffic congestion, since in our experience, most people frequently under-estimate road-travelling time.
For international clients who wish to visit our clinic, kindly book a confirmed prior appointment with us either on phone or by e-mail. Please do online hotel booking as per your choice and budget; however, we recommend that you book a hotel in Thane City (rather than in Mumbai) so that your travel time to our clinic would be considerably reduced.
Current Consultation Timings (As per Indian Standard Timings):
10.30 a. m. - 5.00 p. m.; Sunday Closed.
(Please adhere strictly to these timings both for making phone calls and for keeping appointments).
Tel. : 00-91-0-8108358858 (use this number for better sound clarity)
(preferable, since it allows us to respond to your communication at our convenience)